Travel & Navigation
Beauty & Glamour
Nutrition & Cooking
Politics & Government
Shopping & Fashion
Mystery & Suspense
Children's Books
Science Fiction
Travel & Navigation
Travel & Navigation

Aston & James Publishing, LLC is interested in publishing high quality travel journals and guides for large metropolitan areas, such as London, New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Tokyo, New Delhi, Los Angeles, Seattle, Paris, Rome and Mexico City.

In addition, Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently seeking personal travel journals which highlight areas or aspects of the aforementioned metropolitan areas.  Aston & James Publishing, LLC is current not seeking specific travel journals or guides for remote locations.

Beauty & Glamour
Beauty & Glamour

Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently seeking book submissions which provide guidance regarding personal hygiene, styling and grooming.  The interest for current submissions is avant-garde, unique and cutting edge beauty advice which cannot be found in mainstream literature today.


Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently looking for submissions related to business productivity, business best practices and leadership.  Current interests are in the domain of innovative leadership and management techniques.

Nutrition & Cooking
Nutrition & Cooking

Aston & James Publishing, LLC is presently looking for new titles related to nutrition and dietary guidance.  Literature focused on long sustainable practices as opposed to quick fad techniques is what we are currently seeking submissions for.


Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently looking for author submissions on the subject of astronomy as well as cosmology.  Interested authors may also submit titles focused on ancient astronomical artifacts and navigation instruments.


Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently seeking book proposals and manuscript submissions related to romance.  Specific interest at this juncture are teen romance novels as well as young adult romance fiction.  Aston & James Publishing, LLC does not publish erotica and is not accepting submissions or proposals to this regard.


Aston & James Publications, LLC is primarily interested in author submissions in the subject of computer information systems, programming languages and enterprise resource planning system implementation best practices.

Politics & Government
Politics & Government

Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently seeking titles pertaining to political theory and government.  Author submissions of interest will primarily be focused on political science and government regulation.

Shopping & Fashion
Shopping & Fashion

Aston & James Publishing is currently seeking proposals and book submissions on shopping and fashion.  Books within this category will be specifically focused on providing guidance regarding cost effective and high quality shopping recommendations, as well as suggestions on appropriate fashion wear for various occasions.


Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently interested in receiving book submissions and proposals for books related to humor, literary critique and political humor.  Aston & James Publishing, LLC is also interested in humor books for young children as well, in the 5-10 year old age range.

Mystery & Suspense
Mystery & Suspense

Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently interested in book proposals and submissions focused on the mystery and suspense genres.  Investigative and detective centered proposals are particularly of interest.  Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently not seeking horror novel submissions at this time.


Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently seeking book proposals and submissions in the field of Law.  Special interest at this time is practical lawyering matters, such as litigation best practices in civil and criminal matters.  Additional interests at this time are in the areas of Space Law, Intellectual Property (IP) Law as well as Technology Law.


Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently seeking proposals and submissions in the area of entertaining.  Books related to planning an event or party are appropriate for this category.  Furthermore, proposals and submissions focused on interior decorating and design are also appropriate for this category.


Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently looking for books proposals and submissions on nature as well as natural phenomenon.  Books proposals of current interest are on animals, zoology and forestry.


Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently seeking book proposals and submissions on the subjects of biographies and memoirs.  Current interest is on individuals who have occupied significant roles at various corporate and government organizations. 

Children's Books
Children's Books

Aston & James Publishing, LLC is current seeking children's books.  Current interests are focused on children's books with novel instruction or teaching methods, which have been clinically corroborated or validated.

Science Fiction
Science Fiction

Aston & James Publishing, LLC is currently soliciting book proposals and submissions focused on science fiction stories.  Current interest is on compilations of short science fiction stories.